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Started by THE FUGITIVE, February 07, 2018, 03:18:05 PM

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Quick Fire 1
The following dogs all appear well known films, books or TV shows. 
Name the show, film or book they appear in.

1.  Snowy
2.  Santas Little Helper
3.  Bullseye
4.  Snoopy
5.  K9
6.  Toto
7.  Eddie
8.  Spotty Dog
9.  Roly/Wellhard/Willy
10. Timmy


1.  Tin Tin
2.  The Simpsons
3.  Oliver Twist
4.  Peanuts
5. Dr Who
6.  The Wizard of Oz
7.  Frasier
8.  The Wooden Tops
9.  Eastenders
10. The Famous Five


According to the CIA factsheets on this list of ten countries, what is each countrys official language? 
HINT: No two countries have the same official language

1.  USA
2.  Syria
3.  The Azores
4.  Nicaragua
5.  Netherlands
6.  Namibia
7.  Liechenstein
8.  Iran
9.  Hungary
10. Guinea


1.  English
2.  Arabic
3.  Portugese
4.  Spanish
5.  Dutch
6.  Afrikaans
7.  German
8.  Persian
9.  Magyar (but will accept Hungarian)
10.  French


1.  George O Malley
2.  Seven of Nine
3.  Thirteen
4.  Big Carl
5.  Sam Merlotte
6.  Smelly Cat
7.  Huggy Bear
8.  Ike Godsey
9.  Kitty Walker
10. Phil Dumfey


1.  Greys Anatomy
2.  Star Trek - (Voyager)
3.  House
4.  Cougar Town
5.  True Blood
6.  Friends
7.  Starsky and Hutch
8.  The Waltons
9.  Brothers and Sisters
10.  Modern Family


A quick 10 acronyms for your teams to work out.

1.  NASA
2.  USB
3.  FBI
5.  LOL
6.  BYOB
7.  IED
8.  TLA
10. HDTV

1.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
2.  Universal Serial Bus
3.  Federal Bureau of Investigation
4.  Radio Detection And Ranging
5.  Laugh Out Loud
6.  Bring Your Own Bottle OR Bring Your Own Beer
7.  Improvised Explosive Device
8.  Three Letter Acronyms
9.  Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
10.  High Definition Television


1.  In nature, what is a red admiral?
2.  What classic movie features a character called 'Scarlett O Hara'?
3.  Where did the Red Army undertake 'The Long March' in 1934?
4.  Who had a Xmas No 1 hit in the UK with 'Lily the Pink' in 1968?
5.  Baton Rouge is in which US state?
6.  Which Italian policeman was murdered by the Red Brigade in 1978?
7.  Which fictional character rescued French aristocrats during the French revolution?
8.  What is the red line on the London Undergound map?
9.  What colour is formed when you mix red and blue?
10.  In 6 nations rugby, which team won the 2012 Grand Slam trophy?
11.  What colour was Princes beret in his song?
12.  On which annual London march would supporters wear a pink ribbon or pink triangle?
13.  Which region of France produces claret wines?
14.  Who sang about 99 red balloons?
15.  Who played Sapphire in the TV series 'Sapphire and Steel'?


1.  Butterfly
2.  Gone with the wind
3.  China
4.  Scaffold
5.  Louisiana
6.  Aldo Moro
7.  The Scarlet Pimpernel
8.  Central Line
9.  Purple
10.  Wales
11.  Raspberry
12.  Gay pride/Pride
13.  Bordeaux
14.  Nena
15.  Joanna Lumley


1. What sort of creature is a fluke?

2. Where is a birds patella?

3. What is a puffball?

4. How many pairs of ribs does a human have?

5. A BCG is a vaccination against which disease?

6. The pilchard is a member of which fish family?

7. Which part of the body does scabies effect?

8. What colour are the spots on a plaice?

9. Which branch of medicine is concerned with disorders of the blood?

10. What sort of creature is an abalone?

11. What is the female equivalent of a ram and a stag?

12. Which crustacean can change sex?

13. I live in Australia. I am a relation of the koala bear and I have no tail. What am I?

14. What is the collective noun for a group of moles?

15. What animal lives in form?

16. Where off the coast of Ecuador would you find the worlds largest tortoise?

17. What animal's name is Dutch for earth pig?

18. A crash is the collective noun for which animal?

19. Orang-utans are native to which continent?

20. What is a one-humped camel called?


1. Worm

2. Knee

3. Fungus

4. 12

5. Tuberculosis

6. Herring

7. Skin

8. Orange

9. Haematology

10. Marine Snail

11. Ewe and hind

12. The oyster

13. A wombat

14. Labour

15. Hare

16. Galapagos islands

17. Aardvark

18. Rhinoceros

19. Asia

20. Dromedary
Modify message


1. How many canine teeth does a human have?

2. What is another name for the mountain lion?

3. Who was the female star of the 1965 film Cat Ballou?

4. What is the smallest breed of dog?

5. Who made a voyage of discovery to the Galapagos islands aboard HMS Beagle?

6. Who directed the 1963 film The Leopard?

7. Who wrote the 1974 thriller ?The Dogs of War??

8. Which cartoon cat was the first to make the crossing from screen to comic strip?

9. Which group of British campaigners were affected by the Cat and Mouse Act?

10. Who collaborated with Christopher Isherwood on the Verse drama The Dog Beneath The Skin? 


1. 4

2. Puma, cougar or panther

3. Jane Fonda

4. Chihuahua

5. Charles Darwin

6. Visconti

7. Frederick Forsyth

8. Felix The Cat

9. Suffragettes

10. W H Auden


1. What is the alternative name of the Shakespearean character, Robin Goodfellow?

2. What type of bird appeared in the title of a book by Jack Higgins later made into a film starring Donald Sutherland and Michael Caine?

3. In Golf, how many strokes under par is a birdie?

4. What type of bird did William Wordsworth address with the words ?Shall I call thee bird, or but a wandering voice??

5. Which instrument was played by the jazz musician Charlie ?Bird? Parker?

6. Who wrote the story on which the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock film ?The Birds? was based?

7. Which bird was the title of a 1968 UK number 1 hit for Fleetwood Mac?

8. In the famous Monty Python parrot sketch, what breed of parrot had John Cleese supposedly been sold?

9. Which English football league club are nicknamed ?The Eagles??

10. Which British high street bank uses the eagle as its logo?


1. Puck

2. Eagle (The Eagle Has Landed)

3. One

4. Cuckoo

5. Saxophone

6. Daphne Du Maurier

7. Albatross

8. Norweigian Blue

9. Crystal Palace

10. Barclays


1. What animal provides 50% of all the protein eaten in Peru?

2. In the wild, which animal pollinates banana plants?

3. In which country did Turkeys originate?

4. What sort of animal is a fennec?

5. A paddling is a group of which animals?

6. What animal always gives birth to same sex twins?

7. What animals make up the Suidae family?

8. What type of animal is a markhor?

9. What animal could be Siberian or Caspian?

10. Which small animal is the only animal that has legs but cannot walk with them?

11. What is a chemically castrated cock called?

12. Which insect has the best eyesight?

13. What was pirate Captain Flint's ship called?

14. What is a smew?

15. Sobek was an Egyptian god - in what form is he seen?

16. How many compartments are there in a Cow's stomach?

17. How many humps on an African camel?

18. How many tentacles does a squid have?

19. If cats are feline, what are sheep?

20. In a beehive, who are the queen's closest servants?


1. The Guinea Pig

2. Bats

3. The USA

4. A Desert Fox

5. Ducks

6. Armadillo

7. Pigs

8. A wild goat

9. Tiger

10. The Hummingbird

11. A Capon

12. The Dragonfly

13. Walrus

14. A wild duck

15. A crocodile

16. Four

17. One

18. Ten

19. Ovine

20. Drones


1. What can a tiger and a puma do, that a cheetah cannot?

2. Plus or minus two, how many teeth does a dog have?

3. Syncerus caffer is the Latin name for which animal?

4. Which animal can be found on the following countries flags:
    a: Midway islands
    b: Western Australia
    c: Canary Islands (Clue: it's not what you first think)
    d: Fiji
    e: Bermuda
    f: Rhodesia
    g: Andorra
    h: Bolivia
5. A QUAGGA is an extinct animal that was a distant cousin to which animal that exists today?

6. The critically endangered Bumblebee Bat of Thailand is the smallest mammal. Plus or minus five millimetres, how long is one typically?

7. According to Chinese folklore, each animal is associated with certain personality traits, and those born in the year of which animal are intelligent, independent and free-spirited?

8. Which animal has the most teeth at any one time, 252 in total?

9. Which are the only other animals besides humans that get pleasure out of sex?

10. True or false: Hamsters can blink each eye independently.

11. Which animal sleeps with one eye open?

12. What does a carpophagus animal feed on?

13. The eyes of which animal have rectangular pupils?

14. What animal's eye is larger than its brain?

15. What animal can sleep for three years but only mates once, for twelve hours?

16. Do mosquitos have teeth?

17. Dogs have sweat glands in their nose and where else?

18. For how many days does a typical mayfly live?

19. Hooded and Carrion are varieties of which bird?

20. How many claws does a Housecat have in total?


1. Retract it's claws

2. 42

3. Buffalo, or more specifically, the Cape Buffalo.

4. Eight Answers:
    a: Albatross
    b: Swan
    c: Dog
    d: Dove
    e: Lion
    f: Antelope
    g: Cow
    h: Llama

5. Zebra - Zebra in Latin is "Equus Quagga"
The quagga is an extinct subspecies of the plains zebra, which was once found in great numbers in South Africa's Cape Province and the southern part of the Orange Free State. It was distinguished from other zebras by having the usual vivid marks on the front part of the body only. In the mid-section, the stripes faded and the dark, inter-stripe spaces became wider, and the hindquarters were a plain brown. The name comes from a Khoikhoi word for zebra and is onomatopoeic, being said to resemble the quagga's call.

6. 35mm
It is 1.5 to 2g in weight, about the weight of a Canadian or U.S. dime. However, the Etruscan Pygmy Shrew is the smallest mammal by mass, though it exceeds the Bumblebee Bat in skull size.

7. Horse

8. Dolphins (specifically to our example, the Long-snouted Spinner Dolphin). Crocodiles have around 3000 teeth over their lifetime but never more than 120 at any one time.

9. Dolphins

10. True

11. Dolphin, again!

12. Fruit

13. Goat

14. The Ostrich

15. The Snail

16. Yes

17. Paws

18. One

19. Crow

20. 18


1. What part of your body is the metacarpus?

2. If you had the Wasserman test what would you be been tested for?

3. What is the more common name for the bone called the maxilla?

4. If you were put on Allopurinol what illness would you be likely to be suffering from?

5. What names are given to the two bones in your forearm?

6. What name is given to the light sensitive part of the eye?

7. What is the medical name given to the thigh bone?

8. How is the substance called Myeloid Tissue better known?

9. What can be true false or floating?

10. Chang and Eng Bunker were the first recorded people to suffer with which complaint? 

11.   What on the human body, and especially on the face, are lentigines? (pronounced LEN-TIJ-JEN-NEES)

12.   Which part of the body would be affected by myalgia?

13.   Gingivitis is inflammation of which part of the body?

14.   To which part of the body does the adjective 'pulmonic' refer?

15.   Nephrectomy is the surgical removal of which organ of the body?

16.   What is defined as: 'A state marked by reduced consciousness, diminished activity of the skeletal muscles and depressed metabolism'?

17.   A goitre is an inflammation or swelling of which gland of the body?

18.   In which organ of the body can the pineal gland be found?

19.   What part of the hand is the pollex?

20.   Which is the largest bone in the human body?


1. Hand

2. Syphillis

3. Upper Jaw

4. Gout

5. Radius and Ulna

6. Retina

7. Femur

8. Bone Marrow

9. Ribs

10. Siamese Twins

11. Freckles

12. The Muscles

13. The Gums

14. The Lungs

15. The Kidney

16. Sleep

17. Thyroid Gland

18. The Brain

19. The Thumb

20. The Femur


1. Kuching, whose name means Cat is the capital of won of the Malay states on Borneo?

2. What is the largest type of cat?

3. What is the name of Postman Pat's cat?

4. What is the name given to the type of whip much used in the navy?

5. Which police officer do you associate with Top Cat?

6. Which singer sang of the Year of the Cat?

7. Which cat "vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin"?

8. What electrical device was operated by a "Cat's whisker"?

9. What kind of person would own a cat called Pyewacket?

10. What sort of cat did Elton John sing about in 1972?

11. What is the name of the cat that became a star of the commercials for Whiskas?

12. What is the name of the cat that Tony Blair inherited in 1997 from John Major?

13. Who played the part of Pussy galore in the film Goldfinger?

14. In medical CAT scans what do any 2 of 3 letters of CAT stand for?

15. Who composed the music for the Pink Panther films?

16. Which chart-topping 70s group took their name from 1 of TS Elliots ?Cats?

17. In the nursery rhyme The Cat and The Fiddle, what acrobatic feat did the cow achieve?

18. The Catskills are part of which larger mountain range?

19. In Coronation Street, what was the name of Minnie Caldwells cat?


1. Sarawak

2. The tiger

3. Jess

4. cat of nine tails

5. Officer Dibble

6. Al Stewart

7. Cheshire Cat

8. An old radio

9. A witch

10. Honky cat

11. Arthur

12. Humphrey

13. Honor Blackman

14. Computerised Axial Tomography

15. Henry Mancini

16. Mungo Jerry

17. It jumped over the moon

18. The Appalachians

19. Bobbie


1. If a countryman was referring to the spur of an otter, what would he be describing?

2. What are the proper names for the tails of the fox and the hound?

3. What type of creature is a cavy?

4. When does the Grouse shooting season start normally in the UK?

5. What is the collective noun for a group of foxes?

6. What is the bony projection on the lower leg of a horse called?

7. Dark Cornish and Dorking are breeds of what?

8. An Australian Parakeet is more commonly known as what?

9. It was thought that dogs descended from wolves, yet what is it that wolves cannot do that dogs do?

10. What is the plural of Mongoose?


1. Its footprint

2. Brush, Stern

3. Guinea Pig

4. 12th August

5. Skulk

6. Fetlock

7. Chicken

8. Budgerigar

9. Bark

10. Mongooses


1. How many canine teeth does a human have?

2. What is another name for the mountain lion?

3. Who was the female star of the 1965 film Cat Ballou?

4. What is the smallest breed of dog?

5. Who made a voyage of discovery to the Galapagos islands aboard HMS Beagle?

6. Who directed the 1963 film The Leopard?

7. Who wrote the 1974 thriller ?The Dogs of War??

8. Which cartoon cat was the first to make the crossing from screen to comic strip?

9. Which group of British campaigners were affected by the Cat and Mouse Act?

10. Who collaborated with Christopher Isherwood on the Verse drama The Dog Beneath The Skin? 


1. 4

2. Puma, cougar or panther

3. Jane Fonda

4. Chihuahua

5. Charles Darwin

6. Visconti

7. Frederick Forsyth

8. Felix The Cat

9. Suffragettes

10. W H Auden


1. If a countryman was referring to the spur of an otter, what would he be describing?

2. What are the proper names for the tails of the fox and the hound?

3. What type of creature is a cavy?

4. When does the Grouse shooting season start normally in the UK?

5. What is the collective noun for a group of foxes?

6. What is the bony projection on the lower leg of a horse called?

7. Dark Cornish and Dorking are breeds of what?

8. An Australian Parakeet is more commonly known as what?

9. It was thought that dogs descended from wolves, yet what is it that wolves cannot do that dogs do?

10. What is the plural of Mongoose?


1. Its footprint

2. Brush, Stern

3. Guinea Pig

4. 12th August

5. Skulk

6. Fetlock

7. Chicken

8. Budgerigar

9. Bark

10. Mongooses