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JFK AUTOPSY PHOTOS : THE HEAD WOUNDS (warning graphic images )

Started by fobrien1, January 11, 2018, 01:35:56 PM

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the top two photos pose a problem , and in fact led the warren commission to ask whether they pathologists had given jfk a cut a blowdry . the reason being is that the pathologists said the top two photos and those below it were taken pretty much at the same time . yet the top two show a large area of damage and gore from the top / center of the head all the way back to the back of the head . the three lower photos differ DONT THEY ? .

the second last photo shows the back of jfks head at a sideways angle , as tho it was taken with fk turned on his left side . so if you look on the far right side of that photo just off center to the right , and just above the hairline , the hairline is where the hair at the lowest part of the back of head joins the neck . if you look in that area you will see a white looking mark (we dont have any zoomed photos of that area as the autopsy photos have never been released OFFICIALLY ) well that is where the pathologists at autopsy said the bullet entered jfks head . clearly that posed a problem also , as with the back wound they have the angle from the window and the angle of entry and if they dont work well they make them work lol .

so the clark panel and later hsca that came after the warren commission fixed any problems that the warren commission didnt fix .

above is what clark and hsca decided EVEN THO THE PATHOLOGISTS VEHEMENTLY PROTESTED . thats right lol the above two commissions who NEVER saw jfks body or his wounds decided they knew better than the pathologists who did see and study the wounds . but accuracy wasnt the issue here it was NECESSITY , the wound and angle of entry recorded by the pathologists was too low , they placed the entry wound very low on the back of the head , in fct just above the neck . the above ida dox drawing shows you where the HSCA MOVED THE ENTRY WOUND TO . lol yes they moved the entry wound location 4 to 5 inches higher up in to the crown of the head , where a man has a bald patch . JUST AS THE WARREN COMMISSION MOVED THE BACK WOUND UP SEVERAL INCHES TO THE NECK . its not about getting at the truth its about solving problems out of necessity , and necessity as they say is the mother of all inventions . and the warren commission , clark panel and hsca invented entry wounds in locations where there were none .

in the picture above on the left (the ida dox drawing) look at the very top of the ruler , now come down a good inch and look to the right of that ruler , and you will see what APPEARS to be a circular looking hole . in fact dox had drawn this drawing already and was told to do better . what needed doing better but to highlight and emphasize THE ENTRY AND EXIT WOUNDS BETTER ? . the skull flap at the right is graphic and really speaks for itself , so it needed no more emphasis to highlight it , that only left the supposed wound in the crown or cow lick area of the head . so dox was being told to do better with that .

above we can see the dox drawing along side the actual autopsy photo . now look at that round mark in the drawing and then look at the actual area in the autopsy photo , also look at the enlarged photos above . there is no hole in that area , it is a spot of dry blood , in fact if you see close enough there are hairs there . the clark panel showed no proof that jfk had an entry wound in the crown /cowlick area above , nothing ,not a photo or drawing , just their word for it . the hsca went just a tad further by getting a drawing made lol , a drawing that they had the artists do beter and EMPHASIZE a wound that was never there to begin with .

let justice be done tho the heavens fall

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. John F. Kennedy