NELSON DELGADO (marine corps )

Started by fobrien1, January 20, 2018, 08:17:24 PM

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nelson delgado was one of lee harvey oswalds fellow marines . officially the lone nut advocate version of events was that oswald was atleast a sharpshooter and thus well capable of the shooting job . this despite the difficulty that experts far better qualified than oswald had great difficulty with or failed to replicate the shooting .

but we have multiple witnesses (marines ) that have said that oswald was not a great shot , delgado is one of them . he said that oswald had maggies drawers , thats a term used to say that the shooter was missing the target completely . oswald had maggies drawers at different times according to delgado , and this was a far easier  stationary NON MOVING target .

so lone nut advocates have now changed their stance , their original stance that oswald was a good shot was a stance one cant maintain in light of the witnesses (marines ) that contradicted it . that of course doesnt stop LNs , remember when the wound entry positions was TOO LOW they simply moved those wound positions up to where ever they needed to . so now our lone nut advocate friends say two things . they say oswald didnt need to be a good shot , and why ? because the shooting was very easy . of course they are in trouble with this assertion also , because expert shooters (which oswald was not ) failed to replicate the shooting in the allotted time and in the manner that oswald (if he was the shooter) would have had to have done it .

let justice be done tho the heavens fall

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. John F. Kennedy