Started by fobrien1, March 22, 2020, 10:24:09 AM

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officially they only found out about jfks throat wound the day after the assassination on november 23 . officially at that point having learned about jfks throat wound on saturday humes then revised / re wrote his autopsy report .

you are about to find out and see proof that the official line above IS A LIE .

in FACT dr humes was told as early as 3.30 pm on november 22 (just 3 hours after the assassination ) that jfk had a throat wound .

at this point im going to quote a post from sandy larsen . all credit and thanks for the post to come goes to sandy . thank you sandy for your work .

" According to Dr. Humes and the WCR, Humes did not know about the throat wound till the morning after the autopsy. This is not true.

The truth is that he learned of it the day of the autopsy, apparently long before Kennedy's body had even arrived in Maryland.

How do we know that?

    We have the testimony of Dr. Robert Livingston, who at the time was Science Director of the National Institutes of Health. He had heard news reports regarding the throat wound and felt it necessary to pass this information on to whomever would be performing the autopsy. He called Bethesda Naval Hospital and spoke with Dr. Humes about the throat wound at around 3:30 or 4:00 PM eastern time. (Kennedy's body didn't arrive at the hospital till 6:35 PM ET.)

    Dr. Livingston has related this story a number of times. One time was when he testified in Dr. Crenshaw's defamation lawsuit against the American Medical Association. (Dr. Livingston's testimony here.)

    Testimony given by Lt. Richard Lipsey indicates that Humes knew about the throat wound on the day of the autopsy. He testified that the autopsy doctors were convinced that the throat wound was the exit for the entrance wound located near the external occipital protuberance (EOP), which is near the hairline on the back of the head. Of course, for them to form that conclusion, they had to have known about the throat wound. [Need to find source.]
    In his HSCA testimony, Dr. Ebersole indicated that information regarding the throat wound and tracheotomy was received from Parkland Hospital during the autopsy. Though he couldn't recall how the information was conveyed. (Source) He referred to the throat wound as one of exit, which contradicts what was believed at Parkland. I believe he did that because (according to Lt. Lipsey) the doctors were convinced at the time that the throat wound was one of exit for the EOP entrance wound.


    Dr. Perry testified to the WC that he received two calls from Dr. Humes the day of the autopsy, during which they spoke about the throat wound. Arlen Specter then interjected and successfully changed Perry's mind on the timing of the calls, saying they were made the following day. Here is the testimony. (I don't know if Perry ever changed his mind back.)


    In his HSCA testimony, photographer Robert Knudsen recalled seeing a B&W negative of Kennedy in profile, right side, in an erect posture. He recalled there being two metal probes, one extending out the back wound and the other in a track from the back of the neck to the throat wound. (Source)


    In his ARRB testimony, John Stringer said that a metal probe was inserted into the throat wound. [Find source.]

    [Check out the Audrey Bell story.]


    [Check out this list and this list by Micah Mileto.]


I'm posting this for the benefit of anybody who is unaware of this particular WCR L.I.E.


    Added Ebersole's HSCA testimony.
    Added Perry's WC testimony.
    Added Knudsen's HSCA  testimony.
    Added Stringer's ARRB testimony.
    Added links to Micah Mileto's lists.

ok i posted sandys original post exactly as it was posted . the only exception was that i added the links to the sources he cited .

so what does the information above tell us ? . it tells us that dr livingstone called bethesda the afternoon of the assassination and was put through to humes , where upon he informed humes (some time around 3.30 to 4pm on november 22 ) that jfk had a throat wound . the american medical association (see the testimony linked ) attempted to object to livingstones testimony asserting in essence that he had no way to be sure what time or day he had at that time . he quickly put them in their place in his testimony explaining that he knew very well what time it was and WHY . please see his testimony above .

it tells us that dr ebersole testified that humes had not one but two calls from dallas DURING the autopsy on the evening of november 22 informing him that jfk had a throat wound and that they had performed minor surgery through it , in essence they enlarged the wound just enough to insert a trach .

dr perry in his testimony stated that he spoke to humes on the day of the assassination in regards the above . that is until good old boy arlen specter jumped in and reminded him of the script that perry had veered from . perry then changed his testimony and said the calls were on saturday not friday . but we already have two witnesses above without requiring perry that show humes and his official story regarding his first learning of the throat wound to be a  blatant LIE .

so OFFICIALLY humes learned of the throat wound on saturday november 23 and that then caused him to revise his autopsy report in essence to record that a bullet entered the upper right of the neck (a lie in its self ) and PROBABLY exited the throat .
so humes has three lies two his name here already .

1 / that the entry wound was on the upper right neck
2 / that he ONLY learned of the throat wound on saturday november 23
3 / that what he learned on saturday about the throat wound caused him to revise his autopsy report

as he already knew as early as 3.30pm on friday november 22 that jfk had a throat wound we now can state as fact that what ever reason he had to CHANGE the autopsy report that he didnt do it because he only learned of the throat wound . its an utter lie .

the following day upon hearing that oswald had died he again altered the autopsy report . now i wonder how mr oswald being killed would have any bearing at all on findings of jfks autopsy ? . the answer is NONE , no bearing at all . but if mr oswald was dead as oppose to being alive well there now was one MAJOR difference , which was that humes now knew that there would be NO TRIAL . in essence he could alter the autopsy report to state what ever nonsense he wanted and as their would be no trial now who would know ? .

i dont want top be too hard on these 3 men . i believe essentially that before that tragic day november 22 1963 that all 3 men were probably honest men . they then found them selves in a situation that clearly required them to lie and deceive , probably under orders . so i can feel sympathy for them to a degree , but now we are also in no doubt that they did lie and deceive . and that dishonesty and those lies reflect now on all aspects of the autopsy they performed and in all statements and testimony they gave . meaning now everything they said and did is in question as they now have serious credibility issues .
let justice be done tho the heavens fall

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. John F. Kennedy